Application for Enrollment

If you’re looking for a rigorous and transformative learning environment that develops your child academically, socially and emotionally, look no further. Your child will join a community that develops character, embraces diversity, and promotes engagement and innovation. Apply today!

  • Any student may seek admission to our school if the student meets the required school entrance age.

  • If a grade level is full (no available seats), a lottery will be used to place students on a Waitlist.

  • A student who was retained by a previous school will remain at the grade level as indicated by the previous school.

  • Siblings are given preference in admission to the school.

  • Applications for enrollment may be completed and submitted online at any time.

During the enrollment process, the following documents will be required: Birth Certificate (official copy), Immunization Records, Parent I.D., Utility Bill, and copies of any special education or accommodation plans from former school districts.

We would love for your child to join our community of scholars!